Free Bad Advice For You!

I have some “Bad Advice” for you today. Here goes:
Allow people to underestimate you.
Let people take you for granted.
One of my favourite qualities about a person is the ability to come off as unassuming.
When you constantly go off at people underestimating you, you downplay the element of surprise.
Surprise is a powerful tool.
In Greek Mythology, we learn about the Trojan Horse.
There’s been a 10-Year-Old war between The Greeks and the Trojans Over… Guess what?
A Woman! Helen Of Troy! (Imagine How It Feels To Be The Reason Men Go To War!)
Anyway, The Greeks Have Been Looking To Penetrate The City Of Troy, And They Finally Figure A Way To Do So.
They Offer A Beautiful, Large Wooden Horse To The Trojans, A Clever Disguise At Reaching A Truce.
I Always Wonder Why The Trojans Fell For It Anyway. I Have Two Propositions:
Greek Culture Has Been The Envy Of Many Kingdoms And Civilizations.
Getting A Well-Designed Peace Offering From The Seat Of Artistic Design Would Count For Something In Trojan History Books.
Besides, The Greek Ships Sailed Out Of Sight.
The Trojans Saw The Gift As A Peace Offering And Thought The War Was Over.
The Greeks were a proud people.
For Them To Offer A Gift Amidst War Would Have To Mean One Thing: They Were Admitting To The War Taking A Toll On Their Military Might.
Anyway, The Gates Are Opened And The Large, Wooden Horse Is Carried In.
But Guess What?
Surprise, Surprise!
Inside The Trojan Horse Hides Greek Warriors.
When Inside, They Emerge, And In A Surprise Attack, They Defeat The Trojans.
It’s Mythology, So Decide If You Believe It Or Not.
But Take The Lessons From The Destruction Of Troy By The “Treacherous” Greeks:
The Greeks Allowed Themselves To Be Underestimated By The Trojans.
The Trojans Had “See-Finished” The Greeks.
Because Of “See-Finish” Of The Trojans, The Greeks Were Able To Employ The Strategy Of Surprise, And Defeated Them.
This Is The Idea Behind Ambushes.
Anyway, If People Underestimate You, Let Them.
If They Take You For Granted, Let Them.
Sometimes, Surprise Is All You Need To Win.
NB: Apply This “Bad Advice” With Wisdom.
Yours Always,
The Talk Queen,
Neeta Rare.

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